Seven Days

This will most likely be my last post from Italy, and that thought makes it feel incredibly real that I am actually leaving. I have spent the past 4 months in a new place, and have learned to make it my home. I can say I don’t do well with change, but 4 months is just enough time to get used to a new place, and now I am leaving it. 

I have certainly had good times, great times, and bad times. Luckily, I have made good friends here that could distract me from that when it made me sad, and I hope I was able to do the same for them. My four months here have not been perfect, I missed my family a lot, my home and my friends. Even though the bad days came, and sometimes in groups, I can say I will never regret putting my home life on hold for four months to be here. 

I have had nights that I will never forget, as well as meals, of course the meals! Some of the friends I made I know I am not saying goodbye to forever. I have learned so much about myself, more than I expected to. While I may keep those experiences off the blog, I can say some things I learned I am not happy about and hope to change, while others made me a new person, and a better person. 


The feeling of leaving is very bittersweet. I cannot wait to get home to everyone who constantly reassures me that they are waiting for me, but at the same time I can’t fathom leaving this new home, and not knowing when I will get to come back. 

I have just a few last adventures to share with you through photos,

Girls of Piazza Stazione take Cinque Terre:





one of the most breathtaking views I have ever seen


There’s something very special about the Italian coast, it makes you fall in love. 



This weekend is one of the very lasts. We still have next weekend but I cannot fathom doing anything but running around the city and eating and packing. This weekend was Easter, which Florentines take very seriously. My entire apartment left me this weekend, so I had to come up with some new Easter festivities by myself. I am not one to enjoy multiple days of alone time, but I can say that I think it was just what I needed this weekend. I did a lot of reflecting and adventuring alone, and I think that is how I needed my semester to wind down. Although I spent most days alone, Easter was spent with friends. We had a lovely potluck brunch which was INCREDIBLE, complete with blood orange mimosas, oh yes. I was really missing my family on that day, I have never had to skip a holiday with them, but being here with new friends felt very comforting. I spent the rest of Easter with all new friends, from many different countries and states. 




Easter in Florence is a really BIG deal. Everyone gathers around the Duomo, mass is done inside, while all the tourists line up at the gate outside to wait for the ‘explosion of the cart’. The explosion of the cart is a Florentine tradition, where a cart is led through the city ending at the Duomo where it sits until mid way through mass it is lit on fire, exploding all of its fireworks. It’s a magical experience. I waited at the Duomo very early in the morning, so I spent most of my time taking pictures of the strangers around me. 



Being here this semester has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I will never forget the city, the people, the food. Italy, I will be back for you and see you soon Texas!


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