Tag Archives: holidays

Givings of Thanks Everywhere.

Every year I compile a thankful list on thanksgiving. Of course I know this is a good habit to keep, but yesterday it made me feel kind of naive and selfish.

I should have this feeling of thanks EVERYDAY. Thanksgiving should just be the day that all your appreciation is highlighted around you with food and family and friends.

I sat around yesterday looking at how much all my cousins have grown, how the stories my mom has told me about my uncles when they were younger still reflect upon their personalities today. I let myself be spoiled by all my aunts (guilty as charged).  I ate 3/4 of the green bean casserole, and I just breathed the healthy air around me.


My cousin Amanda and I putting our little girl poses on.



All of us with my mom who looks like she’s still our age.


La familia

IMG_1843It’s told that turkey has something in it that causes drowsiness….


 Aunt Gloria- my second mother who has the most kind soul


Tio Beto passes out after his first beer during the cowboys game….aren’t you eager to get to that point in your life?IMG_1848

I guess the women weren’t too interested in the game…

Being thankful for family is very important, but another reason that I stay sane is because of my amazing friends. Last weekend, my co-op had a hausgiving. The day was spent with a full kitchen, cooking all day, christmas jams, and some puzzle solving

I was on mission potatoes. Here are 10 pounds of them….


Which I eventually mashed and mixed with oregano, romano cheese, garlic, and a beautiful amount of butter.


We all took a pause from cooking late morning because of the sudden “snow” that magically appeared by my car.


Tender Trent making his mean pumpkin bars which didn’t last long in our house.


And the children colored while impatiently waiting for all the food to be prepared….


TaaaaDaaaaaa, look at all da grub on that plate. Makes me proud to be an american.


Brian with his ginormous turkey leg, what a brave boy he is.




Gosh there’s just so much food, what a disaster! (said no one ever)



We went around the table and said what we were thankful for, the perfect combination of awkward and cute.


My mini family: boyfriend and dogIMG_1789

This is all 19 of my housemates on our front porch. They are my family and see me at my grossest and finest moments and I am so thankful that I get to know more and more about each of their unique personality’s everyday.


The holidays are here people! I’m ecstatic to be able to geek out on my christmas music and ugly sweaters and egg nog and christmas trees and all that good jazz.

Spend this time with family or friends or animals or whatever  else is important to YOU.



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Filed under ATX, Nadeen

Life Within Itself

Hello lovelies!

This girl is quite content with her life right now.

Last weekend, I was able to reunite with all my best friends. We all had our last fun before a week of studying.


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We went to watch one of our favorite rappers, G-Eazy.

For a little over a year, my friends and I have been listening to this rapper/songwriter/producer . Our friend Al showed him to us, and eventually we were all hooked. This young man is incredibly talented. He takes 60’s pop songs and remixes them for a beat, AND he writes all his own music. Anything and everything you hear is entirely him.

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I was fortunate enough to have a moment with him during the show and get some pictures with him after. I’ve never had a personal experience with a celebrity before, so this really got to me. I was definitely a happy camper.

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My next week consisted of…studying…studying…and COFFEE. Literally lived at Dolce Vita espresso and gelato. Bottomless coffee for a few bucks, heaters out in the cold weather, good music, and friendly people. Twas a great way to prepare for finals. 

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After knocking out all my exams, I knew I would need to repay myself with an amazing weekend. Which is exactly what I did. Friday night I went to Shine Studios to watch Mother Merey and The Black Dirtthe band I told ya’ll about last week. If you’re looking into becoming more festive this season, they just released a christmas album called A Dirty Christmas. I’m obsessed with their version of Silent Night, go take a listen!

Saturday night I went out to downtown with my favorite twins. I’ve been friends with these guys FOREVER and it was really nice to be able to hang out like old times…but in a totally different setting.

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I ended my weekend at my sister-in-law’s dance performance at The Boys and Girls Club. She was incredible, and look at her fabulous costume! (something I would wear on any normal day)

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When I’m this busy, I tend to lack appreciation. So I want to take a moment to soak this all in. I am so thankful for all the great opportunities being presented in my life right now.

“every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end” -semisonic

Happy Holidays!


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Filed under ATX, Fashion, Music, Nadeen