Tag Archives: texas

Seven Days

This will most likely be my last post from Italy, and that thought makes it feel incredibly real that I am actually leaving. I have spent the past 4 months in a new place, and have learned to make it my home. I can say I don’t do well with change, but 4 months is just enough time to get used to a new place, and now I am leaving it. 

I have certainly had good times, great times, and bad times. Luckily, I have made good friends here that could distract me from that when it made me sad, and I hope I was able to do the same for them. My four months here have not been perfect, I missed my family a lot, my home and my friends. Even though the bad days came, and sometimes in groups, I can say I will never regret putting my home life on hold for four months to be here. 

I have had nights that I will never forget, as well as meals, of course the meals! Some of the friends I made I know I am not saying goodbye to forever. I have learned so much about myself, more than I expected to. While I may keep those experiences off the blog, I can say some things I learned I am not happy about and hope to change, while others made me a new person, and a better person. 


The feeling of leaving is very bittersweet. I cannot wait to get home to everyone who constantly reassures me that they are waiting for me, but at the same time I can’t fathom leaving this new home, and not knowing when I will get to come back. 

I have just a few last adventures to share with you through photos,

Girls of Piazza Stazione take Cinque Terre:





one of the most breathtaking views I have ever seen


There’s something very special about the Italian coast, it makes you fall in love. 



This weekend is one of the very lasts. We still have next weekend but I cannot fathom doing anything but running around the city and eating and packing. This weekend was Easter, which Florentines take very seriously. My entire apartment left me this weekend, so I had to come up with some new Easter festivities by myself. I am not one to enjoy multiple days of alone time, but I can say that I think it was just what I needed this weekend. I did a lot of reflecting and adventuring alone, and I think that is how I needed my semester to wind down. Although I spent most days alone, Easter was spent with friends. We had a lovely potluck brunch which was INCREDIBLE, complete with blood orange mimosas, oh yes. I was really missing my family on that day, I have never had to skip a holiday with them, but being here with new friends felt very comforting. I spent the rest of Easter with all new friends, from many different countries and states. 




Easter in Florence is a really BIG deal. Everyone gathers around the Duomo, mass is done inside, while all the tourists line up at the gate outside to wait for the ‘explosion of the cart’. The explosion of the cart is a Florentine tradition, where a cart is led through the city ending at the Duomo where it sits until mid way through mass it is lit on fire, exploding all of its fireworks. It’s a magical experience. I waited at the Duomo very early in the morning, so I spent most of my time taking pictures of the strangers around me. 



Being here this semester has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I will never forget the city, the people, the food. Italy, I will be back for you and see you soon Texas!


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Ciao Italia!

I am long overdue here… But I have some great news!
I am going to just be blunt here..

I am going to Florence, Italy in two weeks!
For those who don’t know me well should know that
-I never travel
– I just got my first passport ( so I’ve never left the country)
– I’m not quite sure what to do in airport
-and I’m leaving my family…

I am very close with my family and love spending time with them.. So to leave for 4 months and go across the globe is going to be very difficult but I’m so lucky to have this opportunity!

That’s my sister, I am hoping she will come visit and get to explore Florence with me, but who knows!

I am going to a local art school and studying art and art history, including photography!

Now let’s catch up on some things that have made life crAzy

I spent some time making a grill.
Yes a grill for your mouth. Yes Miley may have inspired me.
Yes it’s metal. No I will not sell it. It’s custom fit for my mouth!



Is it cute?
My mom thinks not… But I think she’s just jealous.

My cousin had her baby! #littleladyblake is 6 weeks old!


A garden began…
What is used most is the basil but a few heads of cabbage have showed up aaaand


Butternut squash babies!
Go mom!!!

I wanted a more travel friendly garden



And then came Christmas parties.. I’d say I’m about 110% done with cheistmS music. Sorry



So far I’m enjoying my time home, I’ve only been here a full week!
I’m not sure I’m ready to leave yet… But Italy is definitely calling my name..

Some things I will miss:

This guy for sure



MAaaaaybe this guy too


This special lady!


I’ll probably miss coconuts a lot too… I love coconuts..

And my family ❤



We’ve been besties all along.

I will be creating a new tab soon for the blog contJnjng my posts from Italy, so you may not here from me until then.

If that’s so,

Ciao Italia
Buenanotte Texas

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Filed under Jacque, Under the Tuscan Sun

Austin Holiday Festivities

If you’re currently in the wonderful ATX and looking into something to do, I have two activities that’ll keep you entertained and leave your pocket full.


This event is completely FREE. Head on to the beautiful zilker park, grab some hot chocolate, hit up the food trucks there, and walk through these fascinating lights.

photo 1

photo 2


Any disney character you can think of was there! My personal favorite was A Little Mermaid.

photo 1

photo 3

You feel as if you’re in a whole different world…and you have an excuse to act like a kid again 🙂

photo 5

That’s me and my roommate inside the gigantic christmas tree! If you look up for a while, you start to get loopy and feel as if you’re moving around in circles.


Also…FREE. Currently my favorite dog park in Austin. It has the conveniency of being close to campus, but you feel as if you’re on a beautiful island far far away. So calm, so serene.

photo 3

My brother and I both took our dogs and let them run around off leash. I’m usually afraid to let my pup free, but this place was perfect because it’s pretty much surrounded by water. There’s no where the doggies could escape!

photo 2

photo 4

If you’re fortunate enough to be in this city for the break, these are two fun and free plans to put on your calendar. I’ll be headed to Houston tomorrow morning so get ready for some posts about good food and crazy friends!

“we must become the change we want to see in the world” -Mahatma Gandhi



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Filed under ATX, Nadeen


Today is the perfect morning to make a new post. It is pretty disgusting outside, cloudy, quiet, humid. Lets see how long it takes me to get out of my dark room today..

Well, I am sad to say this but my camera has had a lot of problems recently. I finally got it working again! Heads up though, these pictures are taken with my cell phone… so they are not too entirely fantastic.

I know that it seems like every time I go somewhere I end up at the pearl brewery, but that is because they have so many cool events going on and it is the perfect bike ride! Yesterday was the annual Tamale Festival and boy did they have tamales. They had so much fiesta decorations up that I felt like I was at a huge outdoor mexican party, lets be real though… that is kind of what it was. Every inch of the pearl was crawling with people stuffing their faces with tamales. I am pretty sure I could accurately draw a tamale from memory with full detail at this point. There was over 50 tamale stands wrapping the grounds of the pearl. They also had the farmers market running late so I got some yummy chocolate mint iced coffee.

Here are a few pictures:

One thing I certainly have started to appreciate more is architecture. The pearl has some very cool architecture. It was planned to have an old warehouse look but remain modern.








I especially love this picture above ^. This is one of the coolest hidden pieces at the pearl. It reminds me of my current final project for my sculpture class (pictures to come soon!)

There is also some residencies and shops at the pearl!



I found a very cool new shop at the pearl that just might be my favorite place ever. It is called Leighelena. After some research online I discovered that this is the designer for bracelets my sister sells at her work.



This is just a taste of some of the jewelry but this store also sells eclectic gifts, vintage clothing, art, and soooo much more. It really is a great place.




Well, now that finals are approaching and classes are ending I will either be incredibly busy or super bored. Hopefully I will finish my scarf before I go to Denver!

-More to come!


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Filed under Jacque, Photography, SATX, SATX events, Uncategorized

Outfit of the Day

I recently got some feedback from readers (thank you) about more post ideas, one included outfit of the day’s!

This could be pretty fun because Nadeen and I have been told many times that we have similar taste but execute them very differently, so if we both get involved with this it might be pretty cool. I cannot guarantee doing this everyday but when I feel that I wear an outfit that deems worthy of me taking awkward pictures of myself, you will see it.

Today I was with a friend and he offered to take them for me! He alwaaaays dresses so well, actually one of my best dressed friends who is a male. (if any of my other guy friends read this, you also dress well! I am always impressed!)

So this was taken in my room next to my photo wall! I am currently working on this photo wall still but some of you readers just might recognize yourself!

In San Antonio today, it was dark, windy and rainy. The kind of day where you just want to cuddle up and watch movies all day. When I was not in class I watched James Bond marathon… However, this weather brought a cold front so it got into the low 50s today!!! Finally time for winter clothes (my semi favorite cause I love all clothes).

Today I wore: black skinny jeans ( value village ) Thank goodness for value village! Black little booties that are nine west, a grey loose long sleeve shirt that I got for $4 at a Gap sale! wooohoo Gap has awesome comfortable clothes but I cannot afford it so I usually wait for a good sale! The sad part about this shirt is that the FIRST time I wore it, a baby threw up on me. Yes, it happened. So there is a big stain on the chest, so it will always be covered by a scarf, but thats okay because today was scarf weather! My scarf and very similar grey colored sweater are from Buffalo Exchange!



Then it got beautiful outside! Still chilly but sunny and I could take off the sweater! I was still kind of cold though so it didn’t last long…


I thought it would be fun to also show a guys outfit of the day because I was with a friend who looked awesome! There might also be some male readers out there so yay for that!!

I don’t know what Matt is actually wearing but it sure does look good.




He is darn cute ain’t he?!


So if you ever need outfit advice, you can see that I may not always have it all together, but I do LOVE to pretend. Matt is also a great person who I can call (he lives on the floor below me) and he can race right up and help me pick out my outfits for date night with the boyfriend. He is boyfriends old roomate.
ALSO if you ever need inspiration on what to wear the bestbestbestbest website out there is lookbook.nu so go browse when you have hours to spare, because it hooks you. I even have a “lookbook I love” folder on my desktop… Should I be embarrassed by that..?

ALSO: any halloween costume ideas?!? tell me!


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Filed under Fashion, Jacque, Photography, SATX

Starting it all off…

Hello friends, 

Welcome to republic down thirty five’s first post EVER.

Nadeen here, making it sweet and simple for you. I bet you all are terribly puzzled by all this information on the website, and I bet you’re wondering what this blog is really about. You’re about to find out!

  • Who are we?- Jacqueline and I are two adventurous college students, who think we have alot to offer to the world. We love our hometown Houston, but our new homes are giving us so much more to explore and share with you!
  • Why are we blogging?- We both have been wanting to start our own blogs for a while now, but freshman year gave us way to much on our shoulders to even look into one. This past summer, the idea kept running back through our heads and we really realized that we needed to show off everything that we had been learning, experiencing, and making! We are both extremely unique girls, and we know that our creativity and explorations will benefit others.
  • What will we be blogging about?- Local Events, Music, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Accessories, Fashion, Photography, Traveling, Recipes, Bargains, Thrifting, and everyday experiences.
  • What should you do?-All we would like our readers to do is ENJOY our blog, spread the love, and give us as much feedback as possible (even if its harsh). Any comments or suggestions really help us out.

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Filed under Jacque, Nadeen