Tag Archives: shihtzu

Be Cozy, Hygge.

It’s been a while ya’ll

Jacque was in Italy for a whole semester and I just felt like my life was nearly not as exciting as hers, so she temporarily took over the blog 😉

But now, Jacque resides here in Austin folks. Well until August at least. It’s pretty fun, and hasn’t quite sunk in that she lives here yet. We haven’t lived in the same place for a few years now, but I’m enjoying it as much as I can.

I’ve been really into the idea of coziness and what makes a home a real home. My cousin’s boyfriend Nikolaj is from Denmark and he taught me a danish word to describe this. Hygge (pronounced “hYOOguh”) translates to “cozy” but connotes much more. It’s a word that belongs in a home of candles and family and comfort food, drinking coffee, having conversation and cuddling your pup under the covers on a cold day. I want to live with this word everyday.

And so, this word also makes me wonder if you can just go somewhere and make it “hygge,” or what exactly gives us this feel? I just moved into a new home, or more so a cottage which would be in Eastern Europe, with vines growing around it, and creaky wooden floors. Upon arrival, it’s given me the coziest, hygge, atmosphere.

Not sure if this feel is present from the previous people who lived here, the architecture of the house, the pleasant scented candles in our living room, our tribal rug, the conversations which take place,  the old fashioned mugs in our adorable kitchen, or something else.

I think the actions one does in their home, also brings them hygge. The sound of the coffee beans grinding every morning, the song you hum while you brush your teeth, your routine before bed, being able to truly relax in your home.

When scrolling through my recent photos, these are the ones that say hygge to me:


(My niece, Leila. She’s now 10 days old and a princess)


Brian and I’s celebratory meal for him accepting an internship in Houston this summer.


Here’s the princess again


Cody attempting to help me knit a blanket for the baby




Blues on the green


my new room


random kitchen which I outline as my dream kitchen when I become an adult


cute family home


kids swinging in their yard








sunny days shining through my windows


kitty shuffling through my living room




Kindle which I got for free(thanks Esme). Immediately purchased fault in our stars, and cried for days. but it was great.


resting with mama


cody in his happy place


vox veniae, the new church i’ve been going to


studying at cherrywood


boiled potatoes and eggs for breakfast. with lots of olive oil. just like mama makes it.


wok n express’ chefs special soup


homeade latte with arabic


bandit and sunflowers


dogs at a lakehouse






friends and jams


dumplings. with lots of dough.


visitors from brazil.


my new home.

This is the hygge in my world. and although yours may be very different, I hope you’re able to find and cherish it.

I’ll be blogging alot more this summer. I’m nannying full time and got a writing job for a blog, so I’ll have much desire to express my creativity on here.



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Filed under ATX, Lifestyle, Nadeen

So Long Sweet Summer


Summer is almost over, and I am halfway done with college. I can’t decide whether I should celebrate or  cry. I mean I don’t wanna cry, but I am sad to see my precious days diminishing. And so I sit here and can’t help but think about that dashboard confessional song from my high school days. So cheesy, I know, but read these words and tell me you can’t relate.

“So long sweet Summer

I stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays

So long sweet summer

I fell into you

Now you’re gracefully falling away.”

And so I try to mentally prepare myself for the next school year. For the busyness, sleepless nights, stressful tests, coffee dates with classmates, etc. And as my summer mellows down, I do things such as:


Take cody to barking springs, (FREE FREE FREE). this photo above would be his profile picture if he had a facebook. IMG_6494

We dine at the finest of the fine (@ Austin Java).


I have the greatest college dog because I can, and I do, take him everywhere with me. (@ Dolce Vita Gelato & Espresso).


And during my breaks at home, I like to lay on my comfy bed with the pups. Their cuteness can be distracting, but I would never ask them to leave.


I spend my evenings laughing with these people who do nothing but bring brightness to my days.




I cherish all the friendships I have made this summer and am grateful for this community.

Getting back into the groove of things will be healthy. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of these free summer days. Go bask in the sun and sing your favorite song with the windows down and the AC still blasting cause it’s so darn hot outside.


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Filed under ATX, Nadeen

Life is Normal

Everything feels so at home and comforting, and life hasn’t been like this in a while.

I still can’t seem to figure out exactly what it is that has made everything fall into place again. It’s an odd conjunction of things really.

A huge contribution has been, the love of my life has come back into town.

Lana was doing really cool photography things abroad in Prague, and although I was so happy that she had this opportunity, I missed her dearly.

I came home yesterday to find her on my front porch, and it was the greatest, most inexplainable feeling anyone could ever describe.

photo 4

I feel like we’ll never be able to fully catch up from the 6 weeks that we were separated, and that’s exciting, because it means so many more dolce dates.

But Lana being back makes my life seem a little more back to normal, and it means more arabic in my life. Which is necessary for us both.

I also feel like I am in a nice community, which is tough to find these days. I know some people who wish to have few very very close friends in their life, and that is all. And yes, this is nice, I enjoy it, but I’d rather have a big family of friends from everywhere. Which is why my birthday dinner’s are always the awkward ones.

I felt community last night. Some of my housemates and I went to spiderhouse and I felt so comfortable out with all of them. It usually takes a while for this to happen, but when you live with someone, it dramatically speeds up the friendship process. One of my roommates was sweet enough to walk cody back home, she loves animals, and cody calls her “Aunty Kaleigh.”

photo 2

And so, it’s the little things. Like that, and barton springs, and good food, and the new vampire weekend album. That have made life more than exceptional for me.


Jacque and I hope that you notice our effort to post more frequently, and I can only wish that you enjoy it.




Filed under ATX, Nadeen

What’s your happy place?

“So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be.”

-Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

If you haven’t read this book or watched the movie yet, go put it on your schedule immediately. When hearing the plot, it sounds like the typical, bland high school movie. I promise it will prove you wrong. It brings happiness, appreciation, and reality straight to your eyes.


I’m currently in the process of “finding myself.” It’s odd when you discover the little things in life that bring you so much happiness. The little things like driving around in the car with your best friends and singing that song as loud as you can. Laughing for no reason. A pretty day.

20130218-074522.jpgRecently, my friends and I have made a habit of experiencing nature every Saturday. It’s so refreshing and brings me happiness to be surrounded by the people I love in such a beautiful environment. I have learned that this is one of my happy places.


Sitting in a coffee shop with a best friend, exchanging stories, laughing, with pleasant music in the background. This is happy.


The ridiculous face my dog makes when he sticks his head out of the car window. How could this not bring you happiness?

This may seem like a sort of cliche, but once you discover these happy places, it makes life so much more enjoyable. And it helps in figuring out YOU.

happy monday!


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Filed under ATX, Nadeen